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The easiest way to Manage Affiliate and Influencers Content

Social media changed our relationships, opening up a door of countless opportunities. New technologies provide new channels and different ways to attract customers with products, services, and content. Through this wave of change, affiliate programs came to life. To run this kind of strategy, you will need an easy way to manage affiliate content and influencers content.

Connect with affiliates and influencers for free

Affiliate marketing is a popular tactic to drive sales, generate revenue and is extremely beneficial to both brands and affiliate marketers. Many entrepreneurs, affiliates, and influencers are willing to take advantage of this type of deal, working from home, creating great content and receive some compensation without having to purchase physical goods or make other investments. In turn, brands are also willing to promote their products or services through affiliate marketing.

How does marketing with affiliates work?

Marketing with affiliates manages to leverage the abilities of a variety of content creators for a more effective marketing strategy while providing contributors with a compensation. To make this work, three different parties are involved:

  1. Brand.
  2. Affiliates or Content Creators.
  3. Customer.


The brand is a vendor, merchant, product creator, or retailer with a product to market. The product can be a physical object or a service. Also known as the seller, the brand does not need to be actively involved in the marketing, but they may also be the advertiser and profit from the revenue sharing associated with affiliate marketing.

Affiliates or Content Creators

An affiliate promotes the product to persuade potential customers that it is valuable or beneficial to them. If the consumer does end up buying the product, the affiliate receives a compensation from the brand (monetary or other).

Affiliates often have a very specific audience to whom they market, generally targeted to that audience’s interests. This creates a defined niche or personal brand that helps the affiliate attract consumers who will be most likely to act on the promotion.


Customers (and their purchases) are the drivers of affiliate marketing. Affiliates share these products with them on social media, blogs, and websites.

Read more: Affiliate Social Media Marketing and How to run your marketing with affiliates program

Use influencers as affiliates

To start, affiliate marketing is a fast-track way to reach more potential customers. There are thousands, if not millions, of influencers and affiliates you can partner with — each with its own niches, communities, and platforms.

Another major benefit of affiliate marketing is that it’s more organic. When a social media user sees a product or service posted by a brand, it’s understood the brand is trying to sell something. When they see a customer or affiliate back up a product, the recommendation is perceived as much more genuine and authentic.

So you might want to:

  • Partner with popular influencers to reach broader audiences
  • Seek out partnerships with micro-influencers that have high engagement rates
  • Use coupon codes that your affiliates can place in posts, captions, and stories (to replace links)
  • Have affiliates tag your brand in posts to increase followers and brand awareness

Manage Affiliate Content

When launching your marketing with affiliates program you will receive a LOT of content. So, you won’t need just a platform to manage affiliate content, but probably you might want to pick those who are more attune with your target audience and are able to create viral content.

The easiest way to manage content

Content is the currency. VoxFeed makes it easy to find, track, and repurpose all your influencers and affiliate content.

VoxFeed gets all the affiliates, influencers, and their content in one place. No more searching through irrelevant posts to find what you’re looking for. VoxFeed manages content, automatically pulls affiliate-generated content (UGC) into one spot, so it’s only ever a click away.

Essentially, it is a system that leverages VoxFeed’s data storage and processing to segment affiliates and influencers according to their gender, interests, audience size, social media, engagement rate, cost, reach or location. Apart from managing affiliate content, VoxFeed also runs an analysis on the audience of every content creator to see if their profiles are real or mostly bots and unengaged profiles.

The platform allows you to scale your marketing with affiliates campaigns to thousands of content creators in an efficient way, discover new talent, manage affiliate content and efficiently optimize your budget spending.

Know more about VoxFeed and how it can help you run your affiliate program